YouTube Studio Video Editor

 YouTube Studio Video Editor : Understanding how to edit YouTube videos is essential for anyone working in video marketing, especially in post-production.

YouTube Studio Video Editor

Your video will look amateurish and turn off viewers if you can't smoothly combine your pictures or time your cut to appear in the ideal frame.

That being said, video editing software can be out of your price range if you're on a tight budget. What then would a video marketer do in the absence of editing software?

Thankfully, YouTube provides a completely free online video editor that can be accessed via its website.

How to Use the Video Editor on YouTube

Despite being a very simple editing tool, YouTube's video editor allows you to cut clips out of any area of your video. Continue reading to find out how to edit your videos directly on the platform.

1. Launch YouTube Studio and log in.

YouTube Studio is a tool that allows producers to manage their online profiles, edit and publish videos, and monitor their performance. You can access the studio using an app or a desktop.

2. Select Content.

Click Content in the sidebar on the left if you're using the desktop version. The Content tab is located at the bottom if you are using the app.

3. Select the video you wish to edit by clicking its thumbnail.

Although YouTube supports a variety of file formats (3GPP, AVI, FLV, MOV, MPEG4, MPEGPS, WebM, and WMV), to maintain the best quality, YouTube advises using MPEG4 or "MP4" when posting any videos.

YouTube Studio Video Editor

You can convert any video to MP4 if you're currently using a different format by using programs like Veed's video converter. This will let you post the video to YouTube without sacrificing the quality of the footage.

4. Select Editor from the sidebar on the left. 5. Cut your video off at the beginning or conclusion.

Choose Trim, which is located directly above your timeline panel and next to the timer for your video, if you want to cut the beginning or end of it.

Your video timeline panel should have a blue box surrounding it on all sides. Drag them to remove the sections of your rough cut that you wish to leave out of the final version that is published. To view the edit, click Preview. If you're happy with it, click Save in the upper right corner.

6. Cut out any middle-of-the-video clips.

Choose Trim if you want to remove a certain segment from the middle of your video. Next, select Split after clicking the beginning of the clip you want to remove in your timeline panel.

Next, select the end of the clip you want to delete in your timeline panel and hit Split once more.

Lastly, to remove your clip from your video, click the blue line at the start or finish and drag it to the other side. To see your altered video, click Preview. If you're happy with it, click Save.

7. Give your video an end screen.

Click the end screen icon located at the bottom of your timeline panel to offer your visitors the choice to subscribe to your channel or watch one of your related videos or playlists.

The end screen icon is shown in the picture below, highlighted in red.

Click Apply template in the pop-up menu to upload an existing end-screen template (here's a useful guide to make your own) or select one of the native alternatives available in the editor: Video, Playlist, Subscribe, Channel, or Link.

While Although the YouTube video editing tool in Creator Studio can be useful, you might want something more feature-rich. Check out our post on the top alternatives to YouTube video editors if this describes you.

How to Edit Videos for YouTube

While knowing how to edit videos is crucial, you also need to make sure that the finished product you're creating is something that people will want to see. Let's talk about best practices to remember during post-production video editing.

Make captivating video thumbnails for every video.

Since thumbnails are the first thing people see before seeing your video, this is your first opportunity to grab their interest and entice them to watch.

Your thumbnails should be captivating and pique the interest of viewers. They might be text-based titles or snapshots of particular scenes from your films.

This is a useful tutorial for making thumbnails for YouTube.

Narrate a tale.

We want the videos we watch to tell a story, just like we do with books. This implies that the flow of your movies should adhere to the essential components of storytelling, which are a beginning, middle, and end.

Your narrative should lead viewers through the information you're giving to them so they don't get lost or wonder how one clip relates to another.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of storytelling fundamentals and explains how to use them to your video editing.

Make sure each of your movies has interesting aspects.

Adding captivating aspects to your films while they are being edited is a terrific method to keep your viewers interested in addition to delivering a story.

Images, text, and shapes, as well as animations, music, and entertaining transitions, can all be considered engaging aspects.

To avoid detracting from your excellent material, make sure the element you chose makes sense and works well with your films.

Establish a standard for video editing.

Creating a standard editing style that you apply to all of your videos is one of the best methods to expedite the editing process and maintain viewer engagement.

This entails editing your films in a standardized manner and using the same music, transitions, thumbnail style, and other extra components every time.

Every time you go down to edit, you'll uncover fewer new aspects, and your audience will learn to identify your consistent style.

Make it easy.

It's vital to keep things basic and avoid overwhelming your viewers, even if it can be tempting to do everything you can to pique their interest.

Excessive use of transitions, loud music, text, and graphics might detract from the content of your movie and create the opposite impact.

Strive to strike a thoughtful balance between additional and original video content.

Getting Started with YouTube Video Editing: A Guide

Before, during, or after editing your YouTube videos, bear the following criteria in mind:

Add video names and tags that are optimized for search engines. You can utilize the tools provided by TubeBuddy, Ahrefs, and HubSpot to optimize your videos and raise your search engine ranking.

Establish a consistent and reasonable production schedule. For instance, make sure you allow enough time to meet your requirements if you intend to upload movies every two weeks.

Add a captivating thumbnail.

Ensure that the audio quality is high. No matter how professionally edited your movies are, if the audio is subpar, viewers won't watch them or share them.

Distribute to all appropriate social media platforms. To reach as many people as possible, make sure to promote your films on the social media channels associated with your brand.

Monitor your metrics after uploading. You must monitor the performance of your video to determine what needs to be improved upon or given more attention in the future.

YouTube Studio Video Editor : Watch for patterns, such as the times when your viewers are most engaged or the videos they like watching the most.

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