Best Website to Write Articles

 Best website to write articles; Everyone in the modern world, from guest bloggers to well-known authors, is either seeking to promote their companies or get as much attention as possible for their written works.

Best Website to Write Articles

 Many websites pay you to create articles and contribute material in this era of social media marketing, all the while allowing you to maintain a distinct online identity. The ones that pay you well under market standards, however, are few.

What is Article Writing?

Writing an article is a behind-the-scenes look that publishes the writer's viewpoint, views, suggestions, and opinions. It can be shared online or through print media. An article is an effective instrument for encapsulating information and disseminating it to a large audience. It's a nonfiction work that can be explained simply or it can be enlightening, educational, or persuasive.

Types of Article Writing

The goal of an article usually dictates the sort of writing that it is. The tone and style of an article are influenced by the writing style. An article is far more likely to fit into one of the four categories listed below, based on its goals:


As the name suggests, expository writing is primarily on conveying information using numbers and facts. Its purpose is to present the intended audience with accurate information. Expository writing is a ubiquitous practice in our daily existence. Expository writing can be found in academic and research publications, newspaper columns, corporate reports, and more. It explains, informs, and describes.


Storytelling is another word for narrative writing. It could be either non-fiction or fiction. As the name of the genre implies, narrative writing focuses on creating a compelling tale through the use of an introduction that is followed by action, climax, and conclusion. The main goal of narrative writing is to establish a rapport with the reader and leave a lasting impression.


Descriptive writing as the name suggests describes the details in any written piece. Descriptive writing can be used to describe the details and specifications of the product. It can be used to elaborate on features, pros, cons, benefits, and all sorts of information to the reader. Descriptive Writing is all about creating an environment by giving minute details and letting the reader ponder through the imagination. It creates a setting such that the reader can live the atmosphere just by reading the piece of writing.


As its name implies, persuasive writing is a type of writing that seeks to arouse readers' feelings and change their opinions. It's a call-to-action essay that uses the provided facts to urge readers to make a particular decision. Based on the readers' experiences with a particular issue, the writer establishes a connection with them. A general informational solution helps individuals comprehend the problem, get inspired to fix it, and gain clarity.

Basic Format of Article Writing

Composing articles is not a game for kids. While it may not be as challenging as moving a mountain, creating a visually appealing article nonetheless requires some talent and technical knowledge. What good is an essay without readers, after all? An article needs to be written in the format listed below to attract the reader's and search engines' attention.


Every item should have a clear, succinct headline that explains in detail what the piece will cover. To ensure that the search engine takes your heading into account, attempt to add the keyword there as well. It should always be labeled with the H1 tag as well. For a heading to be well noticed, it must align with the content. Will not pique readers' interest with a clever headline and unimpressive substance. Because the search engine records how long a user spends on a page, article writers must ensure that the reader stays on that page.


An article's introduction is an essential component. In just a few lines, an introduction should capture the reader's interest and reassure them that they have come to the correct place to discover the knowledge or information they need. The H2 tag must be used to tag the Introduction. Additionally, it would be advantageous for the author to place the keyword inside the first 60–80 words of the introduction so that search engines will find and take the piece into account.


The main points of the subject are disclosed after the readers have been exposed to it. The intended word count set by the writers or the employer will decide how long the article is. The body's content, including headers, should be marked with the H3 tag to make it easier for readers to distinguish between headings and subheadings. The author should concentrate on using brief paragraphs, clear, concise language, and headers that are straightforward to scan. This will prevent boredom and keep the reader captivated to the material for a longer period of time.


The last paragraph of an article concludes with an appeal, a viewpoint, some food for thought, a concluding statement, or a suggested course of action. It ought to be presented with the appropriate heading "Conclusion" and tagged with "H4".

FAQs If Needed

Commonly Asked Questions are known as FAQs. If necessary, the author can also draft FAQs with detailed responses to frequently asked questions. An article's FAQs ought to be tagged with the H4 tag.

processes in Article Writing several processes must be taken when writing an article to produce a well-written piece of work.

Different steps in article writing are mentioned below:

  • Selecting an attention-grabbing title or topic
  • Knowing who the target audience is in detail
  • assembling accurate data and statistics
  • Creating a subheading for the outline
  • posting the initial draft
  • Rewriting
  • posting the completed version
  • reediting and proofreading
  • examining for plagiarism

Errors in Article Composition

The following list includes common errors that writers make when creating articles:

  • Misusing data and facts
  • Using phrases that are excessively formal or complex
  • Do not use a lot of paragraphs
  • Absence of a compelling heading

Using Copyrighted Content: A Guide to Crafting a Catchy Article

After learning about article forms, types, and errors, let's examine what components are necessary to draw readers in and create a worthwhile article.

  • Employing Captivating Headlines
  • Writing the material with the intended audience in mind
  • Use of Terminology That Is Understandable and Clear
  • Simple-to-read subheadings
  • supplying a rational resolution
  • Keeping the purpose of writing in mind
  • Using appropriate labels
  • Keeping the main points from being repeated
  • Steer clear of needless length

Writing Articles as a Career

A career in article writing can take a writer in one of two directions:


A writer who freelances can work without restrictions. When it comes to writing, there are no limitations of any kind. Starting their own business gives writers autonomy over their working hours, end product delivery, location, and project cost. Every specification, including the project's duration time and word cost, is agreed in advance with the client. While working as a freelancer offers writers a sense of independence, there is a concern about income volatility.

best website to write articles

 Remote Workx

One of the largest websites that pays people to produce articles is Remote Workx. Remote Workx from all over the world may simply sell their work on this worldwide marketplace, with prices starting at $30 per project. By mailing us, Remote Workx may become a vendor. An E-mail is bought every 4 seconds, and an expert can easily make $10,000 or more for each job.

When starting out in their writing careers, Remote Workx can offer cheap rates; as they gain expertise and produce outstanding work, they can raise the rates at any moment. Each article written by a Remote Workx top writer costs $100. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Is content writing course certification necessary for writing articles?

Anyone can write, but it's always helpful to understand the craft's intricacies and impart them to others. While earning a certification of any kind is not required to write articles, doing so can help you become more knowledgeable and gain a deeper understanding of the accepted industry standards. Being abreast of current market trends will benefit you and enable you to provide your clients with the same.

2. Can article writing help me pay off my bills?

Yes, writing articles can earn you more money than just what you need to pay your bills. Many websites pay writers for their posts. However, it is contingent upon your composition abilities, commitment to your task, background, and showcased writing. As a writer, it could be challenging at first, but with time, expertise, and a polished approach, you can achieve great things in this field.

READ MORE: Best Freelance Writing Platforms

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